
Friday, February 20, 2004

Read This

A funny article in the Times on New York City moms having their own happy hour. We had a similar thing going on a couple of years ago. Andrew would show up at the playground with beer on warm summer evenings. Bob and Sally and Laura and sometimes some of the spouses would have a Bud in a paper bag while semi-watching the kids on the slides until 6:00 when it was time to go home and feed the kids.

Read this quickly. The link runs out this weekend. Some dads do make enormous sacrifices for their kids. Sam Crane uses his knowledge of eastern religion to find satisfaction and contentment in carrying for his severely disabled son.

Confucius teaches, for example, that ritual action is the glue that holds civilized society together. By "ritual" he means not only the grand commemorations of life's defining moments - marriages, births, deaths - but also the meaningful symbolic gestures of everyday life. It is in the heartfelt fulfillment of our daily obligations to others that we fill ourselves with kindness and integrity. We need not search far and wide for happiness; it is to be found in our routinely respectful treatment of the people around us.

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