
Saturday, September 27, 2003

School Vouchers

I haven't posted much on school vouchers, my dissertation topic, because I thought the movement was losing steam and because I'm rather sick of talking about it. But I did read a interesting piece on the voucher battle in DC today. It's going to be a good fight.

Voucher opponents are framing the question of whether Washington should embark on a five-year pilot voucher program as an issue of national importance. The concern is that the initiative could pave the way for further expansion of private school vouchers, especially in the wake of last year's U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding such a program in Cleveland.

"We're doing what we do on every education issue that we think is critical to the nation's public schools, and that is to try to turn out local school board members in every congressional district in every state to make sure that their voice is heard," said Marc Egan, the director of the voucher-strategy center of the NSBA.

Supporters of the voucher plan, meanwhile, are casting the issue as a primarily local one...

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